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中华肥胖与代谢病电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (02) : 136 -139. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9605.2022.02.011


郑锐滨1, 梁銮盛1, 胡浩翔1, 苏晓明1, 赵象文1,()   
  1. 1. 528415 广东中山,南方医科大学附属小榄人民医院减重与代谢病外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-21 出版日期:2022-05-30
  • 通信作者: 赵象文

A case report and summary of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in the treatment of obesity with combined factor V and VIII deficiency

Ruibin Zheng1, Luansheng Liang1, Haoxiang Hu1, Xiaoming Su1, Xiangwen Zhao1,()   

  1. 1. Affiliated Xiaolan Hospital, Southern Medical University, Zhongshan 528415, China
  • Received:2021-06-21 Published:2022-05-30
  • Corresponding author: Xiangwen Zhao

郑锐滨, 梁銮盛, 胡浩翔, 苏晓明, 赵象文. 腹腔镜袖状胃切除术治疗肥胖合并凝血因子Ⅴ、VIII联合缺乏症一例报告[J]. 中华肥胖与代谢病电子杂志, 2022, 08(02): 136-139.

Ruibin Zheng, Luansheng Liang, Haoxiang Hu, Xiaoming Su, Xiangwen Zhao. A case report and summary of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in the treatment of obesity with combined factor V and VIII deficiency[J]. Chinese Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2022, 08(02): 136-139.


Combined coagulation factor V and VIII deficiency (FVFVIIID) is an autosomal recessive bleeding disorder characterized by coagulation dysfunction. The common clinical manifestations are: nose bleeding, menorrhagia and trauma or excessive bleeding after surgery. This article summarizes the case data of an obese patient with FVFVIIID who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), reports the perioperative management and treatment methods of FVFVIIID in our center, summarizes the treatment experience and reviews relevant literature.

图1 患者治疗前后凝血指标的变化注:POD指术后天数
图2 患者治疗前后血栓弹力图的变化注:POD指术后天数
表1 患者手术前后输注血制品的情况
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