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中华肥胖与代谢病电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (02) : 86 -92. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9605.2021.02.004


姚琳1, 柳清霞2, 郭佳1, 刘春霞1,(), 高硕1   
  1. 1. 110105 北京,中日友好医院北区普外科减重代谢中心
    2. 100029 北京,中日友好医院护理部
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-27 出版日期:2021-05-30
  • 通信作者: 刘春霞

A Qualitative research of disease stigma in patients before bariatric and metabolic surgery.

Lin Yao1, Qingxia Liu2, Jia Guo1, Chunxia Liu1,(), Shuo Gao1   

  1. 1. Weight Loss and Metabolism Center, China Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 110105
    2. Nursing Department of China Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2020-11-27 Published:2021-05-30
  • Corresponding author: Chunxia Liu

姚琳, 柳清霞, 郭佳, 刘春霞, 高硕. 减重代谢术前患者肥胖相关病耻感的质性研究[J]. 中华肥胖与代谢病电子杂志, 2021, 07(02): 86-92.

Lin Yao, Qingxia Liu, Jia Guo, Chunxia Liu, Shuo Gao. A Qualitative research of disease stigma in patients before bariatric and metabolic surgery.[J]. Chinese Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2021, 07(02): 86-92.










To gain an in-depth understanding of the pre-operative stigma experience in patients with bariatric and metabolic surgery for providing a reference to improve the patient's confidence in surgery and the quality of postoperative self-management.


Using qualitative research and semi-structured interviews, nine patients were selected as the research participants who were to undergo bariatric and metabolic surgery in a tertiary hospital in Beijing.


The preoperative symptom experience of patients before bariatric and metabolic surgery were summarized into 4 themes. Theme 1: Disease related stigma experience, including regret and guilt, inferiority complex, discrimination experience, worry and anxiety; Theme 2: Stigma sources, including patient themselves, and other people such as, relatives and colleagues and colleagues, medical staff, and the public; Theme 3: Coping with stigma, including reducing social activities or even concealment and avoidance, and holding a positive attitude toward bariatric and metabolic surgery; Theme 4: Attitude toward the effect of surgery on weight loss, including trust the surgery effect with recommendation by other people, and attemptation yet with little knowledge about the metabolic surgery.


Patients with bariatric and metabolic surgery experienced stigma before surgery. Healthcare providers should provide them with corresponding psychological support and guide them to respond correctly. In the meantime, healthcare provides need to a good job in social health education and strengthen the public’s awareness of obesity and metabolic diseases. Understand and correctly understand the role of weight loss metabolic surgery in the treatment of obesity and metabolic diseases.

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