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中华肥胖与代谢病电子杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (02) : 117 -121. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-9605.2020.02.008

所属专题: 文献


马芳婷1, 周佩如1,(), 余健1, 胡申玲1, 瞿良琴2   
  1. 1. 510630 广州,暨南大学附属第一医院
    2. 529000 江门,广东江门中医药职业学院
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-26 出版日期:2020-05-30
  • 通信作者: 周佩如
  • 基金资助:

Comparative analysis of foot risk factors in diabetic patients in plateau and plain area.

Fangting Ma1, Peiru Zhou1,(), Jian Yu1, Shenling Hu1, Liangqin Qu2   

  1. 1. The First Affiliated Hospital of Ji'nan University, Guangzhou 510630, China
    2. Guangdong Jiangmen Chinese Medical College, Jiangmen 529000, China
  • Received:2020-03-26 Published:2020-05-30
  • Corresponding author: Peiru Zhou
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhou Peiru, Email:

马芳婷, 周佩如, 余健, 胡申玲, 瞿良琴. 高原地区与平原地区糖尿病患者足部危险因素的对比分析[J]. 中华肥胖与代谢病电子杂志, 2020, 06(02): 117-121.

Fangting Ma, Peiru Zhou, Jian Yu, Shenling Hu, Liangqin Qu. Comparative analysis of foot risk factors in diabetic patients in plateau and plain area.[J]. Chinese Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2020, 06(02): 117-121.










To explore risk factors of the foot in diabetic patients of Nyingchi Tibet, and compare the similarities and differences of the foot risk factors in diabetic patients between plateau area and plain area.


A total of 85 diabetic patients who were admitted to the hospital from March to May in 2019 were selected. Among them, 39 patients from Nyingchi people’s hospital were set as plateau group, and 46 patients from Lianping county people’s hospital were set as plain group. Foot appearance was observed and compared between the two groups, which including if there is abnormal color on the feet, abnormal toenail, dryness, chap, plantar callus and whether there is deformity. Foot pulses were touched,shoes and socks were inspected whether were appropriate, medical history were asked. Symptoms and signs of diabetic peripheral neuropathy were asked. Metabolic indicators of all patients were also collected for analysis.


There was no significant difference between the two groups in the rate of toenail abnormality, dryness, glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) (P>0.05).The abnormal rate of posterior tibial artery pulsation, the abnormal rate of skin color and temperature sensation, plantar callus and chap in plain group was higher than plateau group (P<0.05). Compared with the plain group, body mass index (BMI), fasting blood glucose (FPG), total cholesterol (TC), the the rate of pain on the feet, abnormal rate of the vibration sensation, and the rate of not receiving adequate protection education were higher in the plateau group, and these differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).


There are more foot risk factors for diabetic patients of plateau area and plain area.But the emphasis is different, so the foot protection education should also be focused on.

表1 两组患者一般资料比较[例(%)]
表2 两组患者代谢指标结果比较
表3 两组患者足部危险筛查结果比较
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